Global Warming Skeptic Beliefs:
- The rise in temperature over the last decade is completely natural
- Anthropogenic climate change, climate change caused by humans, is "unproven".
- The United Nations Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change -- consisting of the world's 2,500 best climatologists -- was "fixed."
Types of Pollution
- Air
- Water
- Soil
- Noise
- Radioactive
- Thermal
- Light
- Visual
- Personal
Today's Global Warming Effects:
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) was designed to "protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment -- air, water and land -- upon which life depends." The EPA regulates every environmental law written by Congress. The EPA ensures that "all Americans are protected from significant risks to human health and the environment where they live, learn and work." If you want to learn more about the EPA, you can log onto or contact the California division. The telephone numbers are (415) 947-8000 and (866) EPA-WEST (866-372-9378) and the mailing address is 75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 94105.
Here are some easy tips that will lessen the amount of waste in the environment and increase the weight of your wallet:
- Bring a reusable shopping bag when going to the super market.
- Recycle all papers, aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and glass bottles. (if you are unsure about a recyclable object go to
- Ride your bicycle or walk as much as possible; if you cannot, try to carpool.
- Use reusable silverware.
- Unplug all chargers when not in use.
- Buy energy efficient items (i.e. lights, computers, televisions, and fuel efficient cars).
- Turn off the all electronics before leaving the room.
- Buy recycled products (
- Before buying a product, think about what kind of effect it will have on the environment.
Steffi Demonstrates the Above Tips